Han Jiang
3 min readApr 3, 2021

Han’s Journal #7

Assignment Topic 7.2, Midterm Presentation.

This week I listened to some feedback from my instructor regarding the user stories and task flows.

For the user story part, I think deeper about how the process should flow when the user tries to use my app to complete a task.

Before the enhancement

After the enhancement

For the task part, since I have enhanced the story, the task flow should be enhanced as well.

Before the enhancement

After the enhancement

This week I also present my project for the midterm. I recorded twice for my presentation since I missed some points from my first attempt. Even the second time is not perfect, but I think I have done a better job to convey my message between 10 mins to 15mins.

You can watch it on Youtube:

The biggest challenge for this week is to record the presentation. For someone who is not a professional public speaker or entertainer, such as Michelle Obama or Cate Blanchett. Even I know I did have some pauses during the presentation, that’s because I want to explain my thought in the most authentic way. There are two most important parts of a great speech, one is the performance, the other is the content. I was trying to deliver my thoughts as much as possible and push my performance as much as possible.

this week, I also deepen the understanding of using the moodboard technique to imagine a story. You can imagine your user is in that story and how he or she is using your product. So I think the mood board and user story are very close to each other. They should keep challenging each other and make them more cohesive so that your product or service will make more sense. And for people you are selling, they will have more faith in your product or service.

So for the next module, it’s gonna be ideation to production. First I need to think about the information architecture/interactive flow. What will be the better way to construct my product service? A sitemap or a radius format?

So I might need to answer the following questions:

  • What information will you deliver and how will you deliver it interestingly?
  • How will the user enter your Project and what path will the user take to explore the content?
  • What are the user’s options?

I think the whole process will be interesting and iterative. And I can’t wait to start exploring that to make ideation into production!

